Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Meet the Macabre Models! #1: Carly Zombiie

I have a lot of love and affection for the amazing models that have done Santa Macabre proud by wearing my designs and working with some awesome photographers! So I have decided to do a little feature on each model that has so far modelled for Santa Macabre, just so you get to know a little about the person behind the beautiful face!

First up is the wonderful Carly, who recently shot with one of my favourite photographers Matthew Bud Cole-Jones (aka. Fienderella), who you can find here.

Carly Zombiie

Known as Zombiie to my friends, Im obsessed with dead things, death, corpses, being undead, guts, gore horror, art and modifications. I truly am a living dead girl and my love for zombies goes completely past just the films. Im a model, Japanese fan dancer, belly dancer and down right sleaze performer and have been performing in one way or another since i was 4 years old. After a bit of a break from the limelight Im now back and better than ever.

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